Egg laying cockrel?!

An intersex would show more female traits but act like a rooster. A chimera would have the traits of both. It wouldn't act completely like a rooster.
There was probably an abandoned egg left in the pen or he had a sneaky conjugal visit without your knowledge.
I have another theory … Are you the only one living at your residence? Could a family member or neighbor be pulling a prank on you (sneaking in with store bought eggs and leaving them as a joke)? Because this is the sort of thing I could picture someone doing to me either to drive me crazy or make me look like a raving lunatic as I run down the street proclaiming I have a rooster who lays eggs …:th.
so the thing is that theres no way for him to leave the coop and mix in with the girls or the girls to come into his coop/little run its kept locked and no way of escaping or entering and no the egg isnt old and i dont have a good enough relationship with any neighbor that they would do this and i didnt feel like eating it so i scrambled it and gave it to the flock
this is very weird.
it's either:
  1. A prank being pulled by friends\family, sneaking eggs in at night
  2. a hen or wild bird has found a way into the coop and is laying eggs there
  3. your rooster has male and female genes, very rare.
Put a webcam in the coop so you can find out what's happening.

answer these truthfully:
  • Do you live alone?
  • does the enclosure have a roof? send pics of setup.
  • Does the rooster crow? Does he act like a hen?
I am raising a cockerel for a friend and he is kept separate no hen is near him and its a confirmed him he has pointy saddle feathers and has spurs and the rounded tail feathers the other day i found an egg in his little coop so is he laying???!! he wont squat for me and he crows ive seen him crow and heard him i dont give him layer feed i give him grains and no hen has been near him so what is this
Has he laid again?

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