Egg laying process...?

Hi Saving Purple,

Yes they definitely come out--- look for food--tank up, and then go back a little later to lay eggs.

My golden Comet expects everything clean and ready for her at 9:00 OR earlier EVERY day. She has laid a jumbo egg daily for the last 64 days. She never read that part of the book that I read about the 25-hour cycle. The hybrids are egg-laying machines. I always 'pay' her with a meal worm. (operant conditioning?)

My pullets lay in the afternoon -- or sometimes skip a day. They are more casual -- all of my birds go in the nest. Yesterday, I forgot to reopen the pop-door after doing some coop cleaning---and came back around lunch time-- ooops. Opened the door and one of my pullets went in and within a very short time had made her daily egg.

All this makes me wonder how much control the chicken has over her egg-laying schedule. If one is on the nest box and I bring a treat---she will usually jump off so that she doesn't miss out. (Maybe that depends upon where in the process she is).

You must be very close to getting those eggs---you have all the signs -- especially the red combs. (I usually check a couple of times per day--up until the time that I have collected an egg from each--then I stop checking).

homestead tim-- Congrats.. Those first eggs are miraculous.

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