Egg Laying


Nov 10, 2016
My chickens used to lay 5-6 dozen eggs a day, for last couple of months they are only laying 1-2 dozen. Can they be to fat to lay, they are free range and get fed layer pellets and crumbles twice a day. they seem healthy other wise and happy. They get 5 way scratch for treats and some house scraps, they are only 2-3 years old. What else could stop them from laying?
I've experienced this, probably molting, broody(doubt all of them), or maybe just the change of temperature depending on where you live.
A few are kind of scraggly looking but most look normal, a few have lost feathers due to roosters, this has been going on for at least a couple of months so I don't think it is due to light. How long will they molt if that is what it is?
A few are kind of scraggly looking but most look normal, a few have lost feathers due to roosters, this has been going on for at least a couple of months so I don't think it is due to light. How long will they molt if that is what it is?

It takes a while but it's different for every bird. My White Leghorn took FOREVER like a month or longer but my Amber-Link only took 2-3 weeks

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