Egg laying

Okay, I hope someone can help me. My girls are going thru their first molt, lasting over 3 months at this point, so I started them on Feather Fixer food and supplement with fresh fruits, veggies daily and oatmeal and rice on cold frigid days. I give them free access to corn on really cold days and treat them with mealworms and scratch. I have had NO eggs in three months and last evening one of my girls was acting weird, all puffed up and not interacting with me or the other girls. I quietly watched her and she laid an egg, BUT the egg had a very thin partial shell and she was pecking at it. Before I could get it up the other girls were trying to get at it.
Help what to do about the lacking shell and does this mean they have been laying bad eggs and eating them. I have noticed the bedding in the nest box has been more soiled lately and have been cleaning it more often.
The girls are 2 years old and I do not supplement their light however I have a small heater that adds about 5-10 degrees to their shed and is mainly to keep the water from freezing and a place to go if they get too cold.
Please help, nervous chickie mom.
Thanks for your post but I have more news, I found a shell with all the insides gone. The shell appeared to be a good shell, I think they are eating their eggs.
Thanks, that's great news. Again tonight the nest box is wet and clumping and no eggs.
I am concerned about them already eating their eggs.
Was the shell you found pretty much intact? Is it possible that you have a rat that is breaking eggs? Chickens will eat an egg without a shell. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are destined to be egg eaters (crack normal shelled eggs and eat them). Are you giving them a prepared lay pellet or crumble, or grow crumble? Are you giving them extra calcium: ie extra egg shell, more than just feeding their egg shells back to them, or oyster shell? The diet you mentioned, while providing variety, may be low in protein and calcium. Just my opinion, but I think that even prepared lay pellets or crumble is too low in protein for the winter months. It probably meets their needs in the summer, but not when they're molting or facing lower temperatures. Try increasing their protein, and offering free choice calcium suppliments and see if that helps.
Yes the shell was intact with a hole about the size of a quarter pecked in it and the insides gone, no chance of rats. I give them prepared pellet, feather fixer currently, fresh fruits and veggies in the PM. They get oyster shell mixed with their cracked corn. Still no eggs and the nest box is clumping and wet, I change the bedding daily now. I'm really disappointed that I am not getting any eggs. Last winter they produced well without artificial light this year, even tho the molt is worse, nothing not one in 3 months.
Yes the shell was intact with a hole about the size of a quarter pecked in it and the insides gone, no chance of rats.  I give them prepared pellet, feather fixer currently, fresh fruits and veggies in the PM.  They get oyster shell mixed with their cracked corn.  Still no eggs and the nest box is clumping and wet, I change the bedding daily now.  I'm really disappointed that I am not getting any eggs.  Last winter they produced well without artificial light this year, even tho the molt is worse, nothing not one in 3 months.

My Hens went through a longer molt than normal last year. They didnt lay eggs for about 2 months. I was worried that they were done done with laying, but noticed they started laying again when they reached the end of their molting period. Nothing to be too worried about. Especially if your hens are at a young age. As for the egg being eaten, hens usually will eat the egg if it comes out cracked, or gets cracked. Old hens will also eats eggs. But if they keep eating eggs, that could mean that they are not getting enough protein in their diet.
But seeing that one egg was laid, that is a good sign that they could be starting back up.
Thanks, I did get an egg today. I also replaced it with an egg full of mustard. So time will tell.
I appreciate all the responses I received.

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