Egg production lately



Aug 21, 2022
Not that I am worried...yet, but in a few chicken groups I am a part of, there has been a big uptick in people saying their hens are not laying. Aside from it being cold in most of the U.S., less daylight, some have/are molting, etc., many hen owners are saying they are getting very few eggs or none at all. They're now pointing towards certain feeds possibly causing them not to lay. So far people are pointing towards Tractor Supply Dumor or Producers Pride. They say they've had chickens 10, 20 years, whatever and have never seen production issues like this. Mine stopped laying in October (molted). I have 1 that lays throughout, just slow, and another one that has laid a couple eggs over the last 2 weeks. I suppose she's starting back to it. I don't use supplemental light. I just let them have a break.
So my question is, is anyone seeing production issues (aside from cold, light, molting) that seems out of the ordinary? If so, what feed do you use? Also if not, what feed do you use? Trying to figure out if there is anything to this or not!! Thanks!!
2/3 of my layers laid through the winter and the third resumed laying this week after a tough molt. I have used Nutrena and Purina feed over the course of the winter.

I can't speak as to what is normal for my chickens, as I did not get them until last March. It seemed mine had a fairly normal winter though from what I've heard others describe.
The real cold spell a few weeks ago, seemed to knock the production of ours back some. Have a mix of 2-3 year layers and some new ones coming on some of which had just started. Young ones are picking back up, but the few older ones that were laying prior to the cold have really been slow since.
Yeah I suppose that cold spell was quite a bit of a stressor for them! Thanks!

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