Egg Shells "Harden when they hit the air?" Um, wtf???


10 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Central Massachusetts
This is just a story, but I had to share it. I went to our local county fair last night (entered a dozen of my eggs, won a blue ribbon yay! but not the point.)
At any rate, I was in the poultry tent, and I over heard a man who was behind the table, so he was somehow involved, telling a guest that chicken eggs are all laid with a soft shell, and that they harden when they hit the air.
um... is anyone else's BS-alarm going off? I heard that, looked at my boyfriend, and he made me leave the tent before I went over and told that guy he was out of his mind. They're eggs, not play-doh!!
Well, that's a new one on me, LOL.
There is ALOT of misinformation that people have themselves convinced it is true. Even if you tell them the facts they will argue till the end of time.

I have caught an egg that a hen was pushing out on the roost. I think I can be fairly sure they are not laid soft. A little sticky till the bloom dries in a matter of seconds, but that is it.

Also removed hard shelled eggs out of hens that we have processed.

I LOVE IT when people tell me this.

If they are ladies - - - I calmly explain that women drop eggs every month with or without a man.
We only need a man to have a child. They think about it for a minute and the light bulb goes off . . . .
I heard that one too when I was new to chickens. Then one of my girls laid an egg right in front of me and I picked it up. Warm and sticky,yes. Soft, ummm .... No.
lol. i worked on a farm for 6 summers during high school and college, and now that I work in a city office people still have a hard time believing that I might actually know a thing or two about chickens. When I told people at work I was getting chicks last year, one guy told me "You know you have to feed them, right?" What, really? I just assumed that because they're made of chicken, they'd eat each other. I have to FEED them? Then he went on to say he thought it was neat, because he'd never actually seen a live chicken. :face palm:
I still have a hard time convincing him that you don't need a rooster... and he's a father of two! I finally just broke it down. Look buddy, a chicken lays an egg like a woman has her period. She ovulates and releases an egg whether or not there's a dude around. The only influence a man has is whether or not that egg is capable of growing into a baby.
Or when I've told people my production is down and the ladies aren't laying as well. "Oh, well, they must be lonely. They need a rooster to make them lay better!" Really? darn. Why didn't I think of that?

Why are there so many preconceived notions about chickens? Do you think if I had camels or alligators, people think they knew so much?
Well, you KNOW camels store water in their humps, you just have to tap 'em with a spigot if you're in the desert and thirsty. And if you have trouble with a male aligator, why, just cull him - he'd make great shoes and a purse! Identify him early so you can feed him colored food and get really pretty gator leather.

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