Egg size got smaller


Jun 16, 2013
San Antonio TX
I have 4 BO that started laying double yolkers at 2.6 oz when they first started, which is expected some times at first. Now they have been laying between 1.5 and 1.9 oz eggs consistently since June. I feed them the same as I did before with layer feed in the morning, mixed grains at mid morning, fruit and vegetable leftovers in the afternoon and layer feed at late afternoon with mealworms twice a week that I raise myself they also free range all day. The chickens are six months old. What size egg should I expect from them?
2 oz is considered a large egg, so yours are laying medium to just under large. That sounds good for orp pullets, they should lay somewhat bigger eggs after their first molt. You might try to figure out the protein% your girls are getting, adding a little protein might up the egg sizes some, but 2.6 is Jumbo sized, and I would not expect orps to ever lay that consistently.
2 oz is considered a large egg, so yours are laying medium to just under large. That sounds good for orp pullets, they should lay somewhat bigger eggs after their first molt. You might try to figure out the protein% your girls are getting, adding a little protein might up the egg sizes some, but 2.6 is Jumbo sized, and I would not expect orps to ever lay that consistently.

Thanks, I wasn’t sure what to expect for overall size when they got a little older.

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