egg stealing in new jersey

I've gotten 0 for a couple of days in a row now. Before this there has been a real slowdown in egg production. Now some of them are molting and the feathers are everywhere.
I'm not too far away from you (Jackson) and out of 22 layers I'm getting 12 - 13 eggs a day. At first I thought that maybe I had an egg eater but the weather is probably to blame. It's been cooler the last few nights so maybe we'll see more eggs soon.
Tape a hair across the door opening, so if anyone opens the door, whiel you are gone, it'll break the hair or pull it from the tape. Not so's they'd notice, though.

I think it'd be fun to sit in the coop, with a shotgun. No round in the chamber and the first one's a blank. When the thief opens the door, you rack the slide and [BLAM!!!]. They'd probably leave you some free fertilizer, from their pant legs.
It could be many things, heat, human, them hiding a nest from you, molt, egg eating chicken, or a predator, especially a dog with all of them disappearing like that. I would never have suspected a horse. I think a padlock is an excellent precaution. Good luck!
hi rob we're in kingwood near flemington in hunterdon county:frow we sell our eggs for $2.00 at the end of the driveway. every so often someone steals a doz and someone names their own price, #1.30, #1.75 whatever. i wouldn't mind if they'd just remember to pay up next time but they don't
our 2yr olds are laying less eggs than our 3yr olds
that would be ok with me, but it would be ok with me if they'd call and set up arrangements, when i have too many:) i donate them to the food pantry

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