Egg turner or no egg turner? That is the question.

Bigg Red

In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 8, 2009
Just purchased an incubator and wondering if I should have purchased the automatic egg turner as well? I asked the clerk at the store and she told me I would still have to flip the egg even though I had the turner. This seems odd to me. Is she right? and if so why buy the turner? Is the tuner worth buying if I have the money?
Turner sure makes it a lot easier, I don't have to open the incubator to turn eggs so less temp drops and humidity drops, less touching the eggs so less bacteria exposure. Its definately worth it to me.
The turner does have to be removed for the last 3 days for hatching.
Thanks I was thinking the same, it just didn't seem to make sense when she said I still had to flip the eggs.
Flip the eggs? She is crazy!!!!!!!!!! Don't listen to her, she is wrong. The air cell goes up in the turner and then you plug it in. If you flipped the egg , the air cell would be down. This could lead to your chicks drowning in the egg.

It slowly turns and all you have to do is check the temp and humidity. I would NEVER incubate with out a turner. It just made it soooo easy. Worth every cent!!!
I just LOVE my egg turner! It's so great not to have to turn those eggs three times a day. That egg turner is money well spent.

Just my humble opinion.


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