Egg turning question


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 17, 2014
Hi all!

I am setting some bantam eggs in the Brinsea Mini Advanced.

I followed the guide in the directions as per the size of the eggs and set the turning angle to 8 (in 45 minute intervals).

I have an O and an X on the sides of two of the eggs. It seems to be turning the eggs between 120 and 180 degrees.

Is this turning it too much? We are also 1 week into incubation. Should this be ok?
Let me rephrase that.

The Mini Advanced turns in 45, 60, etc. time intervals but that is not what I was referring to.

I was refering to the turning angel of 120 - 180 degrees. Is that turning them too far?
Oh. I have no clue lol. I read some reviews about that incubator and someone recommended setting the angle to 15. I hope that means something to you because I don't have that incubator.
When I hand turn I am never consistent, if I am home, its thee times a day at 6,2 and 10 If I am away for the day then its a 6 and 6..... It doesn't seem to have hurt the chicks as I have had some really good hatch rates hand turning... I had DH look at my turner for this round and it seems to be working great now so my latest batch is in with that, Its much easier to not have to worry about whether they will be turned or not but I have to keep reminding myself to check the temp, I have suffered the set it and forget it syndrome this batch.
Let me rephrase that.

The Mini Advanced turns in 45, 60, etc. time intervals but that is not what I was referring to.

I was refering to the turning angel of 120 - 180 degrees. Is that turning them too far?

Your incubator sounds fine and that it is turning them correctly. Although I don't have that Brinsea model I have the octagon advance on the auto turn cradle and that turns them on an hourly cycle through 90 degrees and back so the eggs are always moving never stop :frow

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