Egg white problem

I would try waiting to boil them like rancher said. It usually helps with the white coming off with the shell
i have this exact same thing going on with all my eggs, i thought it was something missing from their diet too at first, but from the answers im seeing i guess not! thats good news then!!
Somewhere else in the forum long ago I read how to cook fresh eggs and it works EVERY TIME!!!!!

Start a pot of water and get it to a rolling boil on High
Add eggs (I use a big spoon and lay them in the water gently)
They can be warm, just layed or cold!
Water may slow down in boiling but it will pick up shortly
Set the timer for 15 minutes
Have a bowl of ice water ready
When timer goes off remove eggs with the big spoon and place in the ice water till cool enough to peel.
(This winter I used snow as my coolant.)
Crack eggs by hitting gently on the counter
Peel under cold running water.
Works every time - no green tinge to yolks
perfectly peeled hard boiled eggs.

There is an answer to everything you want to know about poultry in this forum.
Just takes a persistent hunter or someone willing to share.
^^^ Probably the best advice I have ever gained from this website chocked FULL of great advice. ^^^

I have some bantam eggs. Any idea how long to cook those using this method?
Glad to be of assistance but the forum was who I learned from.

I would start at 10 min of boiling & if there is a green tinge reduce the time but I'd bet it would be about right. You want them done!! I only have regular size egg layers for now. But please let me know for future chix. Might have to get some. What do you have?
I wouldn't know why it wouldn't work for dick eggs too probably have to increase the boiling time. Sorry I did not reply to your question, didn't see it before. Happy hard boiling!!!!

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