Eggless in New York


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 20, 2010
New York
So, about a month ago, I moved my crew into their new, larger house. The move went reasonably well, and I think they are enjoying their new space. It only took several trips to the old coop at night to bring that back before they got that this was their new home.
Anyway, the biggest problem I am having now is that my hens are not laying. I even resorted to putting fake eggs into my new boxes so that they would know that is where they should do their business. The first day or two, we had eggs. But, all laying has stopped.
I have tried giving them warm water to warm them from the inside out. I have tried keeping them cooped up for several days at a time. I go in and talk calmly to them. I give them scratch and let them free range so they are getting sunshine. Nothing seems to be working.
Anyone have any ideas?

Also, just a note of success... I moved my NEW chickies out to the coop last week. They are adjusting quite well, and I have them in plain sight of my older crew. I did put them behind safety gates, and put deer netting over them to keep the big ones away from the little ones. It was quite exciting, and I just thought I would share!
We're pretty much eggless in New York too.
Many breeds are seasonal layers and will take a break during the winter months. Lack of sunlight is indeed a factor. The winter layers will sometimes not lay during this time, as well, even if they have been bred for it. We have quite a few winter layers that have decided to take a vacation anyway. That said, we have roughly 25 chickens and are getting no more than 3 eggs a day-if lucky.

Chickens can stop laying because of stress and fear, but it sounds like your girls are just taking a breather. Unless you prodive artificial lights to increase 'light', expect this for the whole season. It's normal.
Thank you. I guess it's not uncommon to have them slow down or take a break in the winter. I did put a light on a timer so they get more daylight. I am averaging about 1 egg a day. Not too bad for only having three adult hens left.

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