Eggs break when you drop them.


8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
They become more precious when your own hens lay them and if your like us, we eat eggs like crazy! I was out of eggs last week, we even had to buy store bought eggs(yuck).

I finally was stocked up with a nice colorful 18 pack and my nearly 18 year old dropped the entire carton on the kitchen Needless to say, she never got her ham omelet she was about to make. I had made hash browns earlier and omelets for the rest of the family while she was at play practice. Poor girl was looking forward to the omelet.

Unfortunately we have zero eggs for breakfast, which I use daily making waffles, pancakes, eggs, French toast, ect...

Oh well, we'll just hope the girls produce quick and hope I don't drop them myself from the coop to the fridge. ;)
I once threw an egg across the yard. It went high and far, landed, bounced, and rolled across the yard! Guess those are some healthy chickens
Mine are fed oyster shell, so they are pretty hard. Dropping them onto a hard surface doesn't help.

My neighbor came over yesterday asking for eggs. Luckily I had 3 on the nest, so she could finish what she was baking.

I think she was taken back by how warm the eggs I think she was expecting them to be cold.
We used ours for the Easter Egg egg toss on Sunday. Found out our marans have really really good shells. They bounce. A lot.

I just bought a maran! I'm praying it's a girl, I picked her up from the pullet bin, but there's a lot of white on him/her. I picked the blackest one, so I thought I was safe. We'll see in a week or two.


He/she was all black and all of a sudden all this white started showing up and she looks like a barred rock, but she had very pink legs, which are now turning white with black on front. I hope I just have an off color girl. The tail is getting pretty long too, so we'll see.
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