Eggs breaking easy


9 Years
Jan 23, 2011
My hens are laying but the eggs are very brittle. Either that or the shells are very thin...maybe both! Collecting eggs, I am breaking them by holding them. What gives? any ideas???
THey should have free choice oyster shell available at all times; it's more than likely just a calcium deficiency. Some folks feed the shells back to the hens, but you must break them up into bits if you do this - and, they don't have near the calcium that oyster shells do. Sometimes, this happens when they are very old, or have a disease, but more than likely it's just a calcium deficiency.
I normally do feed the shells back to them. May I still need to add oyster shell too... I'm stuck!
I would give them a dish of oyster shell or their own shells broken up into small bits so that they can eat them if they like and get more calcium.
I feed them scraps (including the egg shells), hen scratch and laying crumbles. This has just started yesterday. I thought I was just me yesterday, but earlier when I was collecting, two fo the eggs barely bumped each other and one cracked. I can actually tell that they feel different too... almost lighter. I will add oyster shell and hope that corrects it.

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