Eggs can sit out for a few weeks but can I wash them


In the Brooder
Aug 8, 2016
So I know eggs can sit out on the counter for a few weeks. But I was just researching this a bit before I left some eggs out to take camping and read if you wash them you have to refrigerate them. So can I wash them and still leave them out for a week .
I wouldn't. The gig with washing is you take off the natural bloom on the eggs. That bloom is what protects eggs from bacteria infiltrating the shell. The rule of thumb is once washed the eggs must be refrigerated. If you don't wash them they can sit on your counter for month or more.
It's also been seen that one day at room temperature equals a week in the frig. Mine get washed and refrigerated. If I lived without electricity, they would be out, and used up sooner. Mary

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