Eggs, eggs, & more eggs!!! From Sonew123 and AHappychick!!!

Pretty.pretty eggs!
Will be watching! Good luck!!
well the Blue fcm hen seems to have the best hatch rate and I am pretty sure you got mostly her eggs as they are the lighest of all the girls. My ratio of males to females seems to be about 50/50 here at the house so I got my fingers crossed for you. And the 2 blue Marans I have hatched out are both pullets.

Hey Natalie are the 2 of your FBCM eggs that are developing the lighest ones? if so that is most likely my blue hen and hopefully will hatch.

Good Luck both of you!
OK, now I have a grand dilemma!!!! My blrw hen has gone broody! Do I take some eggs from the 'bator and put them under her??????????? I hate dilemmas!
Can you guaruntee she'll stay broody? I have a chantecler hen that I thought was going broody the other day so I let her keep the little clutch, then she decided she wasn't broody anymore LOL. Fickle little beast
I wouldnt take the chance. My bo hen went breeody for two weesk then stopped out of no where-I was tempted to set eggs with her but it was too cold out and Im glad I didnt:)
OK, I won't! She's been trying for a week and I keep kicking her out of the box!
She only started laying last month!

Thanks everybody!
I did a mini peek tonight for my dd's friend! The big "football" egg from Sonew, a ee from sonew and a FBCM from AHappychick are all developing! YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Tomorrow I will do a full candle of all eggs and report then! Now I can't wait!!
all right!!!!! how awesome--I cant wait to see that "football" hatch is going SLLLOOOWWW little depressing but im TRYING to stay optimistic and positive..I cant wait for that full report...
OK, I did the big candle tonight and out of 40 eggs I only lost 3 so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Marans egg from AHappychick

1 Cochin egg and 1 Brown egg from Sonew

I'm so happy!!!!!

I could not see as well into the Olive eggers from Sonew but I think I saw air sacs in each one! Time will tell!
Awesome for you!! That is very possitive

Did you see movement? I was shocked to see the little dark spot moving around

Tonight, I took out 6 clear ones and I had two quitters. Out of 43 I am down to 35. Not bad, I think.

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