Eggs have pipped-nest is fouled-eggs covered in...

nchls school

8 Years
Apr 22, 2015
I have a Midget White hen that is currently hatching eggs. When I checked her earlier, it was obvious that an egg went bad and broke. The whole nest and eggs was a stinking mess. I changed the nesting material, but left the eggs as they were. There are 11 that are pipping. What would be best? Leave the eggs as they are or wash the shells before zipping begins. The hen is a pet and I can do whatever I wish without too much trouble. Is the nastiness a heath concern for the new poults?
The eggs have been cleaned using Lysol wipes. While she has eleven hatching, I found a 12th egg that had spoiled while cleaning the eggs. Good thing I cleaned the eggs or I would not have found that spoiled egg I missed earlier. I no more than got it out of the nest when the thing broke-now the whole yard stinks! What a horrid stench.

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