Eggs in the fridge or on the counter?


Jul 15, 2019
Austin, TX
Hey everyone! I got my first egg yesterday and my second today. The neighbors that we usually get eggs from seem to keep them on the counter, and I know in parts of Europe they don't refrigerate them, but we do here in the US, and I've been told it is because they are washed etc that they have to be in the fridge. Is it safe if I leave them on the counter, and if so do you wash them first? I know it won't hurt to have them in the fridge, but I'm just curious.


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It's fine to leave them on the counter...I've left them up there for a couple of months, just be sure to collect every day and have a system for rotation.
:welcome :frow I refrigerate mine but I also sell them and the state's requirement is they have to be refrigerated at no higher temperature than 45ºF. I have left them out on the counter for our own use and also refrigerated them. They will keep longer refrigerated. Good luck and have fun...
They are fine on the counter as long as you do not wash them. As soon as you wash them, you have removed the protective bloom and the pores are much more open to bacteria making their way into the egg. So it is up to you. If you wash them, refrigerate afterwards.
Thank you, that's what I thought, as well as the reasoning on not washing them, I just wanted to make sure.
I leave mine on the counter in an egg skelter so they get used in the proper order. I don't wash them, but I would before use if they were poopy.

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