Eggs Lost in Mail


7 Years
May 21, 2016
So we were supposed to receive a dozen hatching eggs in the mail today, delivered to our PO box, because I figured it would be the safest place to send them.

According to the tracking number, it was delivered yesterday at around 10am. We arrived and they weren't there. The USPS says to wait 24 hours because sometimes it says delivered when it's close to being delivered.

23 hours later, nothing. We go the the USPS post office to find out where the heck these eggs are.

Apparently, they WERE delivered, but then another driver accidentally picked the package back up again and is now on another truck out on deliveries.

The USPS says we won't see them until at least tomorrow or the day after because they will have to attempt a second delivery as they were sent to the other side of the state.

As of today, these eggs are about 5 days old already, and I tried to express to them the importance of receiving them ASAP, but they can't do anything, it has to be delivered a second time.

I'm really worried that by the time we get them, they'll be out if the window, and beyond that, the fact that it's been accidentally picked up again I think they've probably been thrown about a bunch and worsen their condition.

These were the eggs I won from the Chicken Poop Bingo, not ones I ordered. I'll have to contact SpitzBros and let them know what happened, but I'm at a loss on how to deal with the postal service.

We're in contact with the management, but if those eggs turn out to be damaged or otherwise no longer viable, what can we do? They weren't specifically insured to my knowledge, and only have the "Up to $100 insurance included. Restrictions Apply".

I'm just kind of really frustrated and at a loss as to what to do if I do need to have insurance replace those.

Eggs received! Gotta candle them asap when we get home and check for cracks or signs of excessive mishandling.
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Wow, I'm so sorry about your eggs. I would still try to set them if you ever get them, I hope everything works out for you.
On a side note, we live in Iowa. I bought a shirt from North Carolina. It got to the Des Moines post office and then they sent it back to North Carolina. Then they sent it back to Des Moines and we finally got it delivered after I complained online USPS.
I bought shipped eggs one time that went on a wild ride too, from Kentucky to Kansas City to Illinois to Kansas City to Des Moines and finally here... I can't remember if I got any to hatch or not.
I swear the people working there must be on some hard drugs...
I still think some areas of usps locations are absolute shit holes. Depending on the route to destination. I always have a bad experience with important shipments.

My recent egg purchase from greenfirefarms. Delivered on time and packaged really well. But from point A to point B, they got very rough handling. All but 2 eggs were scrambled. 12 eggs in total.
I ordered celadon Coturnix hatching eggs last year off of eBay. They were moving along fine with the tracking info, but on day 3 they arrived at a more local regional sorting facility and stopped. After 2 days of no progress I contacted the seller, they said give it another day, they were certain they would arrive. Another day goes by, nothing. So the seller tells me it’s out of her hands and I need to deal with the post office. So I started filling out the lost mail forms, and there were a ton of questions I couldn’t answer, like what was the size and description of the box, the address it originated, was it picked up from a business or residence etc. The seller was so slow to answer me that it was 8 days transit time before I finished the form, but the next morning the box was on my porch at like 7 am. I set the 36 eggs, and I kept the turner off for the first 48 hours. I ended up with 19 chicks from 36 eggs.

Fill out the forms right now (available online) when you get the box, open it right at the post office and if the eggs are broken, start the insurance process right there that instant. I believe all priority mail has $50 insurance included, maybe higher if they declared a higher value when shipped? Not certain. Even if you only get $50, most egg sellers are willing to send more replacement eggs for free if you cover postage and packaging costs, which are usually less than the $50.
I still think some areas of usps locations are absolute shit holes. Depending on the route to destination. I always have a bad experience with important shipments.

My recent egg purchase from greenfirefarms. Delivered on time and packaged really well. But from point A to point B, they got very rough handling. All but 2 eggs were scrambled. 12 eggs in total.
Did they go through Kansas City? They are egg footballers...
Wow, I'm so sorry about your eggs. I would still try to set them if you ever get them, I hope everything works out for you.
On a side note, we live in Iowa. I bought a shirt from North Carolina. It got to the Des Moines post office and then they sent it back to North Carolina. Then they sent it back to Des Moines and we finally got it delivered after I complained online USPS.
I bought shipped eggs one time that went on a wild ride too, from Kentucky to Kansas City to Illinois to Kansas City to Des Moines and finally here... I can't remember if I got any to hatch or not.
I swear the people working there must be on some hard drugs...
So we were supposed to receive a dozen hatching eggs in the mail today, delivered to our PO box, because I figured it would be the safest place to send them.

According to the tracking number, it was delivered yesterday at around 10am. We arrived and they weren't there. The USPS says to wait 24 hours because sometimes it says delivered when it's close to being delivered.

23 hours later, nothing. We go the the USPS post office to find out where the heck these eggs are.

Apparently, they WERE delivered, but then another driver accidentally picked the package back up again and is now on another truck out on deliveries.

The USPS says we won't see them until at least tomorrow or the day after because they will have to attempt a second delivery as they were sent to the other side of the state.

As of today, these eggs are about 5 days old already, and I tried to express to them the importance of receiving them ASAP, but they can't do anything, it has to be delivered a second time.

I'm really worried that by the time we get them, they'll be out if the window, and beyond that, the fact that it's been accidentally picked up again I think they've probably been thrown about a bunch and worsen their condition.

These were the eggs I won from the Chicken Poop Bingo, not ones I ordered. I'll have to contact SpitzBros and let them know what happened, but I'm at a loss on how to deal with the postal service.

We're in contact with the management, but if those eggs turn out to be damaged or otherwise no longer viable, what can we do? They weren't specifically insured to my knowledge, and only have the "Up to $100 insurance included. Restrictions Apply".

I'm just kind of really frustrated and at a loss as to what to do if I do need to have insurance replace those.
Okay, update.

We had talked to the local manager for the distro center and found out exactly where the eggs were, and asked if there was any way we could maybe go pick it up at the distro center it would be heading to. They had said that they'd try to get in contact with them and see if there was anything they could do.

We just heard back from the manager, and they DID manage to get the eggs back to a more local distro center where we could pick them up.

Unfortunately they close in half an hour and it's on the other side of town, so we're going to be cutting it REALLY close, but we should be able to pick them up if all goes well.

Wish us luck!
Okay, update.

We had talked to the local manager for the distro center and found out exactly where the eggs were, and asked if there was any way we could maybe go pick it up at the distro center it would be heading to. They had said that they'd try to get in contact with them and see if there was anything they could do.

We just heard back from the manager, and they DID manage to get the eggs back to a more local distro center where we could pick them up.

Unfortunately they close in half an hour and it's on the other side of town, so we're going to be cutting it REALLY close, but we should be able to pick them up if all goes well.

Wish us luck!
Good luck and fast travels!

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