eggs missing - snake, roosters, or something else?


10 Years
May 24, 2009
Rockvale, TN
In one of my coops, I'm heavily stacked 1:1 roosters to hens. I have some hen chicks in there that should make it better... but do realize the ratio is off.

Two times now one of my nests gets 6-8 eggs in it and about the time I'm thinking that the hen is about to start incubating, all the eggs go missing! I've looked around for snakes, but have seen none. When I say missing.... I'm talking about NOTHING being left behind. Anyway, three days ago was the last time this happened and when I went out that next morning I noticed ALL 3 roosters in the nest looking around and clucking like crazy. One rooster even appeared to be sitting like a hen would. I'm wondering if the roosters are raiding the nests or should I continue looking for snakes?

I have a wireless webcam that I might put out there for next week or so.

Thoughts of if its a snake, the roosters, or something else?
If the roosters were breaking and eating the eggs, you'd find sticky goo in the bottom of the nestbox. My vote is a snake, and a pretty darn big one at that.

As for your rooster/hen ratio, you really need to cull some roosters! Any more than 1 roo per 6 to 10 hens and you're asking for barebacked hens.

According to "Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens," hens are most receptive to mating right after they've laid an egg. Hence the instinct to cackle loudly after laying one; it signals to the roo that she's available. To move the process along, roos will sometimes play the "my, isn't this a neat nest" game with the hens, just like they do with morsels of food.

Kathy, Bellville TX
I definitely know that my ratio is way off. Yet I've not had any issues yet. Maybe the roosters are gay!

Any idea how to catch the snake? I agree that if 6 eggs go missing and there is nothing left.... its probably a big snake.
I just had to ask anyway due to the rooster behavior.

I've gone out to the coop several times during the morning day and night... even real late at night to try and catch something with no luck.
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If you lose 6 or 8 eggs at a time I would not be looking for snakes. It could be the chickens. If one chicken learns to break an egg all the others will help eat the contents. It could be either a hen or a rooster starting it though.
These are bantam eggs if it makes a difference... pretty small.

No, they can't be hiding them. I only have 2 nests in the coop and they only free range when I let them out for an hour or two before sun-down.

If eggs just lay there in the nest with no hen sitting on them... is it natural or common for them to be cannibalized? I think they were in the nest for 10 days or so before they went missing the last couple of times.
If it were the chickens eating them, it would probably be an every day event, so I think it is most likely a predator. A snake is a real possibility. It is also possible something else, a rat, skunk, possom, is eating the eggs and the chickens are cleaning up the eggshells, but I would expect some gooey residue in the nests if this were the case.

Leaving the eggs in the nest like that is an invitation to predators. I'd suggest gathering the eggs every day but leaving some fake eggs, like golf balls or plastic eggs, in the nest. Most chickens can't tell the difference in a golf ball and a real egg. If a hen goes broody, you can put the real eggs under her. And if one of these disappears, you know it is not the chickens eating them.
Do you have a dog? I have caught my dogs eating a nest full of eggs as a snack every once and a while.

Other than that yes it could be the birds themselves, they don't leave any mess if they have time to clean it up. They can peck something totally clean.

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