
In the Brooder
Oct 23, 2017
Bangkok, Thailand
So 2 months ago my mini bantam hen started a clutch and she had been sitting on them for over a month and they never hatched- but recently she started a new clutch of 7 eggs and i’m concerned if they will result in the same outcome as the previous hatch. Is there something i should do or am doing wrong? Any insight would be appreciated!
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Are you certain they’re fertilised? It’s easy to assume they are when you have a rooster, but there are many cases where the rooster just hasn’t been up to much.

Has the hen moved nest boxes, did the eggs get cold at some point? And have you candled the eggs? Are there embryos growing, did they die, if so how old do you think they were? If you can tell us what’s going on in them, it may be easier to figure what’s happened.
Are you certain they’re fertilised? It’s easy to assume they are when you have a rooster, but there are many cases where the rooster just hasn’t been up to much.

Has the hen moved nest boxes, did the eggs get cold at some point? And have you candled the eggs? Are there embryos growing, did they die, if so how old do you think they were? If you can tell us what’s going on in them, it may be easier to figure what’s happened.

From what i’ve seen yes, because they’ve been mating right around before her clutch was laid.
They are both 3 years old, but could it possible that rooster is not fertile anymore if so how could i tell?

As for the hen no she hasn’t moved around much and last week i found out she had laid another clutch of 7 eggs and she’s been sitting on them the whole day except for the mornings when i take her off myself to feed her, she stays out for about 10 minutes before returning to her eggs.

She had laid her eggs over the span of seven days and during that week she was on and off but after she laid all 7 she started committing to sitting 24hrs straight, she stopped laying after that and it’s been about 5 days ever since. Although i haven’t got around to getting them candled i’m going try to later tonight, i’ll give update when i do! Thanks!
From what i’ve seen yes, because they’ve been mating right around before her clutch was laid.
They are both 3 years old, but could it possible that rooster is not fertile anymore if so how could i tell?

As for the hen no she hasn’t moved around much and last week i found out she had laid another clutch of 7 eggs and she’s been sitting on them the whole day except for the mornings when i take her off myself to feed her, she stays out for about 10 minutes before returning to her eggs.

She had laid her eggs over the span of seven days and during that week she was on and off but after she laid all 7 she started committing to sitting 24hrs straight, she stopped laying after that and it’s been about 5 days ever since. Although i haven’t got around to getting them candled i’m going try to later tonight, i’ll give update when i do! Thanks!

If you have some eggs of hers or your other hens, crack them open and look for the blastoderm, it should be a white bullseye on top of the yolk - this will mean it’s fertile. But if it’s just a small white dot (blastodisc), it’s not fertile.

Sorry, I see you’ve edited your post since I replied. Did you ever crack the eggs open? If they were empty, there’s probably something wrong with your roo or hens fertility. If they were developing and died, that’s a different story. Unfortunately without much to go on with the previous eggs, there’s not much advice I can offer. What are you feeding them? And let us know how the eggs look when you candle them.
If you have some eggs of hers or your other hens, crack them open and look for the blastoderm, it should be a white bullseye on top of the yolk - this will mean it’s fertile. But if it’s just a small white dot (blastodisc), it’s not fertile.

Sorry, I see you’ve edited your post since I replied. Did you ever crack the eggs open? If they were empty, there’s probably something wrong with your roo or hens fertility. If they were developing and died, that’s a different story. Unfortunately without much to go on with the previous eggs, there’s not much advice I can offer. What are you feeding them? And let us know how the eggs look when you candle them.

Update : This is my first time candling eggs so after some research here is some of her eggs from her recent clutch. I can see a visible air sac and maybe an embryo?



As for the edit it’s okay, i edited it to prevent confusion!
And as you asked here is one of her cracked eggs, is this a blastoderm or blastodisc?-

As for their diet it usually consist of mixed grains, cooked rice & veggies.

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