eggs not hatching


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 25, 2009
im having a problem hatching eggs , i dont know why the babies chicks die in the eggs within a day of hatching , when i open the eggs after not haching to my suprise fully develop chicks. what is going on

When do you discard them? Were they internally pipped when you open them or still snuggled inside the membrane? Are the yolks absorbed? Are all eggs not hatching or just a few? What kind of incubator are you using? What temps/humidity are you running them at for incubation and hatch times?

I would double check your thermometer and hygrometer to ensure they are reading accurately to start.
the first time we use an incubator all of the eggs hatched , our second time using the incubator none of the eggs hatched using the same tem and humidity, after 23 days we discarded the eggs and they were full of chicks , fully featherd , no yolk seen but never peeped , our 3rd try one of our hen sat on the eggs we bought of ebay 6 of them didnt hatch 5 of them never developed but one of the eggs did and again a fully develop chick , but never peeped

now i have 4 hens sitting on 22 eggs and 10 more in the incubator lets see what happends

Shipping can be pretty rough on eggs. I had one of 10 hatch under a broody, and the chick did not last long. The rest were quitters.

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