Eggs not hatching :(

So today is day 30 and nothing else hatched. I performed several egg-topsies this morning to see what went wrong. There was only one egg that had a fully formed, albeit small, chick inside. It was pretty liquidy under the membrane and the yolk sac was still present. As for the rest of the eggs, nothing was in them except egg white and egg yolk, like what you see from a store bought egg. I didn't see any blood in them, nor did they really smell. So I'm thinking they either weren't fertlized, or I some how killed them very early on. As for the fully formed chick, other then maybe "drowning", I'm not sure what happened.

Now time to clean the bator and start again. I have some more blue laced red wyndottes coming. I'm also getting a hydrometer this time and a digital thermometer so that I can monitor the conditions more closely.
This brings a question to mind.... how to do guys clean your bators?

Oh and thank you all so much for help!
You hatched one more than many people on their first try!!

Humidity measurement is also important--try to get one for your birthday.

Also, did you candle to check the development of the air cell? Many pics available out on the web, try "size of air cell at 7th, 14th, 18th day "

It is disappointing when so many don't hatch--but you did a good job for the first try!!!

Keep learning! GL
Thanks for the kind words! I feel bad for my one lonely chick hanging out in the brooder though. I did candle them at around 7 days and thought I saw veins and stuff in my wyndottes eggs. I couldn't see anything in the maran eggs because of the super dark shells. Who knows! I'll try again and see what happens.
i feel so bad for you. If i were in your situation i would have done a float test a couple of days ago and would have disposed of them now. That is just the way things are with hatching, sometimes you have a great hatch and sometimes its bad. This was your first hatch so you will get better at it. Good luck with your eggs and good luck with your future hatching.
I had one that only hatched last year and i got on craigslist and bought him a buddy that was the same age so he would have someone to play and snuggle with.

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