eggs not turned


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 13, 2011
So, I set 24 eggs in the incubator last wednesday 11/23... I left them in the care of my uncle because I was going to be away. He has been calling daily with status updates and all is fine, however. I return on the 2nd and find that the egg turner has been off!!! What do you think the chances are of any hatching?

I think your chances are pretty good, there have been treads where things like that have happened before. I'd just wait and see, I know at least one person said it hadn't made much difference compared to their normal hatch rate. I know one lot of mine went nearly all their first week without turning and hatched ok. Hopefully your eggs will be just fine.
Umm I have eggs due to go into lock down on the 5th and I did not turn on the turner for the first 12 days. I forgot to plug it in. I can let you know how my hatch goes. So far I don't think I have lost any. One looks questionable. I am crossing my fingers for us both.
That would be great. I'm gonna let them run their course and see what happens on hatch day. Just was looking for some input on this, its only my second hatch.
Well I have hatched A LOT!
This is my first time forgetting to plug in the turner and I am curious to see how it comes out myself. If I forget to update you just PM me. Things are crazy around here as usual.

Good luck!
I locked them down today with one external pip and several internal pips 3 are either behind a day or quit. 9 appear to be hatchable. Keeping my fingers crossed this will answers some questions. Oh and I have set eggs before for a friend who did not even know to rotate eggs 3-5 times a day while storing and every last one of them hatched. So that goes to show you about rotating eggs. I like experimenting! It helps us all learn. Not that I did this as an experiment but since it happened we can all learn for my oops.
Good luck with your eggs sweetie. BTW I use Hova's both to incubate and hatch.
that sounds great, Thanks for the update.... Hoping all goes well for you.

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