Eggs o Eggs where for art thou....


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 31, 2012
I have three chickens that I acquired from a friend 16 months ago. They were about 18 months to 2 years. Very seldom did I get 3 eggs in a day. But I did get 1 or 2 eggs. Well, 2 of them have not laid an egg in over 3 months. I keep thinking that tomorrow I'll see an egg from these two. Is it possible they will not lay an again? If so, what do most people do with a chicken that doesn't lay anymore? I'm not into twisting or chopping their necks. Also, is there hope and how can I make it happen? At what age does a chicken stop laying? Any and all advice is welcomed. Thanks.
I have three chickens that I acquired from a friend 16 months ago. They were about 18 months to 2 years. Very seldom did I get 3 eggs in a day. But I did get 1 or 2 eggs. Well, 2 of them have not laid an egg in over 3 months. I keep thinking that tomorrow I'll see an egg from these two. Is it possible they will not lay an again? If so, what do most people do with a chicken that doesn't lay anymore? I'm not into twisting or chopping their necks. Also, is there hope and how can I make it happen? At what age does a chicken stop laying? Any and all advice is welcomed. Thanks.

What breed are the chickens? If you aren't sure, you can post photos and we can likely help you figure that out.
At this point your birds are likely 3-3 1/2 years old if I'm reading the timeline of your post right, is that correct?
Where are you located? What I'm getting at is, are you in a location where it is currently summer or winter?
What are you feeding your flock? When did they last go through a molt?
When they stop laying depends on their breed and where they came from. For example hatchery sexinks do tend to burn out faster than a heritage pure bred bird. Some birds slow down gradually and then carry on laying a couple eggs a week for a few more years...others just stop.

As for what people generally do with hens that have quit laying...well I know you said you weren't into wringing necks or chopping heads off, but generally that's what happens. There are some people who keep non layers but most people don't have the space or feed budget to keep every spent hen they have ever had.

What kind of birds do you have?
Usually the cause of this is simply that they are too old, and either are through laying, or will lay only a very few eggs per year.

Depending on how they are kept, you could try improving their nutrition and quality of life, if possible.
Give them lots of space and greenery to forage, and be sure they also have plenty of fresh layer feed available. You could try a Tbsp of organic ACV in the water once or twice week, and a round of vitamins, or a small dose of vitamins regularly. Also probiotics. If there is some kind of stress, it can affect laying -- like predators snooping around or flying over regularly, being chased or handled when they don't want to be, loud noises -- any number of things. Here is a good thread on the subject: You might also investigate whether a snake or other animal is getting the eggs. This is usually the cause when production drops around here.

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