Yes, they will usually hatch depending on how long they were in the fridge. A couple of days would be fine.

Have fun with your braces! Like everyone else in the world, I hated them. hahaha.

umm.. names, I'm horrible with names. I'm the one always asking other people for names. I once had only one single chick hatch so I figured it needed a name. It had the fuzzyiest butt in the world. Like, you know how good quality silkie chicks have that big head fluff, well, he had that on his butt. I mean all chickens have fuzzy butts, but his was just so obvious. So temporairily I was calling him fuzz butt. Of course the name ended up sticking so I now have this big old black rooster that stands nearly 2 feet tall named fuzz butt. My first rooster's name was Tom (how original) I then named Tom's son Tom Jr. (even more original) and then Tom passed away and Tom Jr. was fertilizing eggs so when Tom's grandson hatched out I named him Tom the third. I know, overflow of creativity here, huh? hahahaha.
Ha ya.
Jeez I'm so stressed out by this but so excited when candleing. I can't see whats in two of them. but the other two its clearish.
I'm not worrying about them dying or anything but I guess I'm just impatiant.
The worst thing about me getting braces is that its on halloween, I won't be able to eat alot of candy...
Yes, the worst part of hatching is the waiting. If only they could develop in 24 hours.

Really, you have to get braces on haloween?!?!? That sucks, I didn't realize at first that it was the day of halloween. Sorry. It's different for everyone, but my teeth hurt really bad after getting them. I ate nothing but soup, jello and icecream for 4 days after and they remained sore for at least a week. I'm not trying to scare you, some of my friends said they didn't hurt at all while others had experiences like me. It doesn't hurt when they put them on, it hurts a couple of hours after because your teeth are suddenly moving around to all sorts of places. To think of something more positive, what color are you going to get? hahaha.

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