Eggs out of incubator and under broody?

I heard an egg peeping in the incubator this morning! It's probably one of the broody's eggs that I took away from her about a week ago. If she's in the nest this afternoon I'll give a couple to her!
Just keep a close watch so that she doesn't try to kill all of them!
I have a broody hen that is great for sitting on a clutch, but as soon as a chick hatches and she sees it she tries to kill it. Great broody instinct but no mothering instinct at all so this is the second hatch I've taken away from her this spring.
Well, that was a bust! One little chick was zipping this morning so I put him under her as he was hatching out. She immediately pecked him. Now he's got a little bloody spot on his head.
I don't really blame her. I blame me. I shoud have put him under her when he was still just pipped or even before that. She's still young, so she has no clue really. Chickie is back in the bator now and hopefully he'll be ok.

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