Eggs per week


8 Years
Jun 22, 2013
I am thinking of getting a flock of chickens for my family to eat as well as selling at the local farmers market. Breeds would be Rhode Island Red, Black Sex, Red Sex, and Barred Rock. I would get 30 of them, an assortment of all. If we ate 2 dozen a week, how many dozen eggs would I be able to sell? Im talking about a farmers market June-September so it is summer production rates.
How many eggs a chicken will lay in a week would depend on their age, the weather, their breed their health. Choose chickens that were breed to be egg producers. It could be possible that all the chickens will lay one egg on the same day. In a week, your family would eat 24 eggs. The eggs the 30 chickens will lay would cover that and give you enough to sell at the market.

Another method: (if you really want more eggs)
Egg producers have lights in the chickens' coop to trick them into thinking that it is daytime. This makes them lay more eggs. But if you are planning to do this, over-do it, the hens will exhaust themselves and lose protein, calcium and other nutrients.

Hope you get many eggs!
Hi Waddles99 (how are those little goats btw?),

Just to give you an idea of eggs, we have 16 birds (our mixed flock includes RIR, BR and RSL plus others) and now that they are 6 monrhs and 10 months old, we get 9-12 eggs per day. So maybe with 30 chickens you would get twice as many? Jenny Q makes good points in her reply about this number varying but I would guess with that many chickens, you would have a lot of eggs for your family and for selling.
How many eggs a chicken will lay in a week would depend on their age, the weather, their breed their health. Choose chickens that were breed to be egg producers. It could be possible that all the chickens will lay one egg on the same day. In a week, your family would eat 24 eggs. The eggs the 30 chickens will lay would cover that and give you enough to sell at the market.

Another method: (if you really want more eggs)
Egg producers have lights in the chickens' coop to trick them into thinking that it is daytime. This makes them lay more eggs. But if you are planning to do this, over-do it, the hens will exhaust themselves and lose protein, calcium and other nutrients.

Hope you get many eggs! :thumbsup

As mentioned before breeds would be RIR RSL BSL and BR. Probably the age would be around 9 months, middle of the summer, and fed Dumor Layer Pellets. I like the light idea but i don't want to exhaust them like you said. As much as egg production would be nice if it were higher I wouldn't want to do that to my birds.

Hi Waddles99 (how are those little goats btw?),

Just to give you an idea of eggs, we have 16 birds (our mixed flock includes RIR, BR and RSL plus others) and now that they are 6 monrhs and 10 months old, we get 9-12 eggs per day. So maybe with 30 chickens you would get twice as many? Jenny Q makes good points in her reply about this number varying but I would guess with that many chickens, you would have a lot of eggs for your family and for selling.

My goats are doing great! Really settled in and stopped crying last week. This saturday is their one month anniversary here! Thanks for asking!

Anyway, I like the idea of getting 18-24 eggs per day! That is 21 eggs on average, or 147 eggs a week. Minus 24 eggs is 123 eggs. Divided by 12 is about 10 dozen eggs or 20 half dozen.
My goats are doing great! Really settled in and stopped crying last week. This saturday is their one month anniversary here! Thanks for asking!

Anyway, I like the idea of getting 18-24 eggs per day! That is 21 eggs on average, or 147 eggs a week. Minus 24 eggs is 123 eggs. Divided by 12 is about 10 dozen eggs or 20 half dozen.
Good to hear your goats are doing so well. They are a lot of fun aren't they? Hard to believe you've already had them a month, I remember reading & talking to you about their enclosure.

Our 3 little kids are now 5 weeks old and are playing together. The moms keep an eye on them but they are all getting along well. The little male is "my" goat, we adopted each other, lol. Love that little guy! They are all a pleasure to have.

Good luck on the chicken adventure. Keep us posted on how things go for you!
Good to hear your goats are doing so well. They are a lot of fun aren't they? Hard to believe you've already had them a month, I remember reading & talking to you about their enclosure.

Our 3 little kids are now 5 weeks old and are playing together. The moms keep an eye on them but they are all getting along well. The little male is "my" goat, we adopted each other, lol. Love that little guy! They are all a pleasure to have.

Good luck on the chicken adventure. Keep us posted on how things go for you!

Yeah! Time really flew with them! I do enjoy them, they are quite a bit of fun. They've even put on 2-3 pounds each! I can't imagine my little goats ever growing up, they are SO small right now. The woman i bought them from said they'd be all grown in about 2 years! I hope that not this coming December but the one after that I can get them impregnated and they can freshen in the spring of 2016. Thanks for all the support too, and I sure will keep you posted on the chickens! Im probably going to get them mid November.

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