

12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
Slidell, LA
newbie here...
my question is about roosters and hens

with a rooster eggs will be fertilized?
do you eat those?
are they only fertilized at a certain time of year?
do you separate the male from the females to prevent unwanted fertilization?

also how many pullets would be needed to supply a family of five with enough eggs?
you can eat fertilized. They are fertile all the time as she can hold the rooster seed for 2 weeks. You can seperate for unfertile eggs you may need up to 10 that way if somne dont lay the others might.
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There is really no difference between fertilized eggs and non-fertilized when it comes to eating them. They look and taste the same.

The roosters will mate with the hens year round. The hens remain fertile up to 3 weeks after the last mating as they store up the sperm.

When figuring out how many hens, figure on an average of 5 eggs per week per hen, for most of the non-production breeds that are still good layers. That will vary greatly depending on the breed of hen and time of year, age of the hen, and also individual differences but that's a good round number for a young flock.

Certain breeds are better layers than others. What else are you looking for and we can help you decide what breeds might be best for you.

Some questions to think about...

Are you looking for layers that also are good meat birds? Do you live in a very cold climate (need more cold hearty birds). Are you looking for pure egg production chickens, or do you want more of a colorful variety for your back yard. Is a 'personable' or sweet breed of chicken important to you (ie- pets with benefits) or is that not as important?

Do you WANT or NEED a rooster? If you just want eggs, you don't need a rooster and roos are generally more agressive than the girls. Also they do crow so if you have neighbors you may choose not to have a roo for neighborhood peace and quiet. Obviously, if you want to hatch out chicks, you'll need a rooster.
yeah, they don't taste any different, and it's hard to even tell. So I wouldn't worry about it. How many eggs do you eat a week is probably the more correct question to ask. Once we know that, we could give you a better idea of number
Hi and Welcome!!

Yes, once a Roo reaches approximately five months old he will be able to fertilize the eggs. That's what his mission in life will be .... protect his flock and fertilize, fertilize, fertilize.

Yes, you eat those eggs. You can't tell any difference between them and unfertilized eggs unless you know exactly what to look for. The only problem that seems to arise is if you sell your eggs ... some vegetarians think that fertilized eggs cannot be eaten in their diet so they would need to be informed before selling them those eggs.

Yes, if there is a Roo - you have fertilized eggs all the time. You can seperate the Roo but it will take up to two weeks (I believe) before the eggs are no longer fertile. I can't see any reason to seperate them. You either have a Roo with your flock or you don't. Maybe someone has other ideas on that here.

There are ten of us here and I have nine good egg laying chickens. I had hoped to sell a dozen eggs from time to time to help with feed costs but we've never been ahead enough for me to do that. It would depend on how many eggs you eat each day and what breed chickens you have and how many eggs they were giving you each day. We are getting three to seven eggs (more often three or four right now) a day right now and that isn't keeping up with our demand.

We use eggs a lot though ... omelets, scrambled eggs and over easy for breakfast, I love to bake and we love breakfast burritos anytime of day.

Hope this helps somewhat ... have fun!
thanks for all your help!!!!!!!

I am in pretty cold...

I have been leaning toward the BO because they are supposed to be docile.. I have two little one whom I prefer to have all fingers and toes....

I was interested in the dual purpose Staight run so I could get meat and eggs. I also wanted something pretty (to be honest those cornishx are ugly).

We eat about 2 doz a week more and rarely less..

I am also new to this hobby and reading along.

I am located in Ohio and looking to start raising some chickens just for eggs.
We already have a chicken coop built and there are 8 spots for them.

We usually go through a dozen a week.

I would like something that is pretty colorful, but yet very friendly as well.
Chasing after the neighbor kids might not be a good idea, since we just moved here about 3 weeks ago.
haha although may be fun to watch.

Anyways, if you could help lead me in the right direction as to what breed to look for? and how many?
I would also like a rooster too, just because they are beautiful creatures!

I would sugest
Buff orphs are winter hardy good layers and very friendly.

Wyndottes are winter hardy ok layers and very colerful mine are alittle skitsh but this can very greatly.

I am getting Buff Orphs, Barred Rocks (friendly and good layers), Rhode Island Red 's (amazing layers and the temperment may very) , Buckeyes, and Delawares in the spring from meyer hatchery.

I have a mixture of chickens and I am always expanding I like veriaty what can I say.

I love my Black Stars. They are super friendly, really hardy (important for Maine winters) and are reliable layers even in winter that lay good sized brown eggs. I like that they are smaller, but not flighty and they are gorgeous girls, too. They never go broody, so no fighting with a temperamental broody, which is always nice. I love my Australorp, but she is often annoyingly broody, she also has a habit of leaving the nest after 15 days. :mad:
I also like Barred Rocks and my experience with my one (and only) RIR has been great.

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