

In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 30, 2012
We've inherited 2 banty hens they were laying before we got them. We waited and then put them in with bigger flock a couple of weeks ago and everyone seems to be getting along well. The problem is I can't seem to get the hens to lay in the boxes. I've looked around coop and no eggs. Any idea when they might start laying again or any advice would be helpful. LOL were pretty new to this.
New environments can stress a bird a little to make it stop laying temporarily, but the biggest idea I have is the time of year is too late (depending upon where you are) and the bantam hens may not lay again until spring unless you light them.

God bless,
thanks Daniel. Were in North Carolina so its not too cold here yet. LOL
I'm just happy everyone is getting along we have 11 chickens total and because we have 3 roos now we had to seperate our orignal leghorn roo from the flock (he was being a bully)
Thanks again God bless
i had the same problem , my hen was 2 and had pulled all her feathers out when we got her . i fed her well and she fit straight in with my other chickens too , anyway it took about 3 weeks of tender love care oh and nice food and she started laying , she lays 6 days a week and one off and looks very happy and healthy . moral of the story happy well fed hens will lay when they feel safe and have settled in , give them time im sure they are very happy and its a matter of time

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