Eggstremaly rare breeds

This is Obelix, a Barbezieux roo

He really is very tall, looming over the rest of the flock, but the hen is no taller than my Welsumer.
Love the name. And very fitting for a chicken with BOOF.

Well now you've gone and done it. Give me the least bit of encouragement, and I'm back to the brooder to pester Boof for more poses.

He's a half-fledged pre-adolescent now, going through that awkward phase -- no longer a "chick", but still not really a cockerel yet. At least, not so that you can really tell...



In this ^^^ photo, you can just see the two little knobs above his beak that will grow to be his "comb".

In adult Crevecoeur roosters, these look more like a pair of wiggly red horns than a rooster's comb.

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