so i got some showgirl eggs shipped to me, and once i had them incubating for a while i candled them and noticed they were all developing with that "saddle shaped air cell" so i read up on it and when it came time for lockdown i put them upright in egg cartons, i had marked the air cell to check on them and such, anyways only one chick hatched and even that one had turned by the time i figured something was wrong (assisted him out and he is doing good now) anyways finally candled again and once i was convinced i cracked everyone open and sure enough EVERY last one had turned upsidedown even some that i had seen upright and externally pipped when i had candled them earlier. that was 13 eggs! one chick also had a pretty extreme beak deformity. very frustrating since they were kind of expensive... what did i do wrong? temps and humidity seemed good, and i had previously hatched eggs right before these ones in that incubator with no problems, all the settings were the same. I just want to see if I can find out what was wrong before i try again.
ok crazy last tidbit to add- just went to take a picture of the one surviving chick to ad to this thread and.... he is missing an eye and that side of his face is sort of "squashed" ! something was definitely off... that had to be temperature or something? i had two temp/humidity gauges in there.

ok crazy last tidbit to add- just went to take a picture of the one surviving chick to ad to this thread and.... he is missing an eye and that side of his face is sort of "squashed" ! something was definitely off... that had to be temperature or something? i had two temp/humidity gauges in there.