eggtopsy every chick was upsidedown/dead some deformed?


9 Years
Jul 27, 2010
Cornish NH
so i got some showgirl eggs shipped to me, and once i had them incubating for a while i candled them and noticed they were all developing with that "saddle shaped air cell" so i read up on it and when it came time for lockdown i put them upright in egg cartons, i had marked the air cell to check on them and such, anyways only one chick hatched and even that one had turned by the time i figured something was wrong (assisted him out and he is doing good now) anyways finally candled again and once i was convinced i cracked everyone open and sure enough EVERY last one had turned upsidedown even some that i had seen upright and externally pipped when i had candled them earlier. that was 13 eggs! one chick also had a pretty extreme beak deformity. very frustrating since they were kind of expensive... what did i do wrong? temps and humidity seemed good, and i had previously hatched eggs right before these ones in that incubator with no problems, all the settings were the same. I just want to see if I can find out what was wrong before i try again.

ok crazy last tidbit to add- just went to take a picture of the one surviving chick to ad to this thread and.... he is missing an eye and that side of his face is sort of "squashed" ! something was definitely off... that had to be temperature or something? i had two temp/humidity gauges in there.

Sounds like something messed up the genetics Maybe the hens ate the wrong thing poison of some kind affectring embroys
I dont think you did a thing if all are wonkly .
Maybe they were xrayed if they were shipped! Hard to say
id just start over.there are too many things this could be but i dont think any are the way they were incubated
ordered some new eggs and am using a different incubator. hopefully this hatch will be better. anyways thought I would post a new pic of the one surviver all fluffed up. seems to be doing good, but will probably have to live in the house or separated from the other chickens, not sure yet if it will be to fragile for the coop.


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