Eglu after bad red mite infestation... how easy is it to clean, really?

Thanks, Matoes! It is good to have my expectations managed. I already can’t believe how resilient and ubiquitous the red mite are. I do worry, though, that having them around even in small numbers that don’t affect the chickens’ health is still uncomfortable for them?!

What is the lavender-smelling spray you mentioned called? I only have the Smite solution and planned on using that weekly in the new coop. My girls have been dusted every couple of days with red mite powder, and three weeks ago had a dose of ivermectin too. (Withdrew eggs) I was going to use ivermectin again tonight before they go in the new coop. (If I can catch them)

I just found a red mite crawling on my arm as I type. All I did this morning was unbolt the door to the run, throw in some food, and go back in the house. Cannot figure out how they get on me like this! Does this happen to you?!
It sounds horrible... and (touch wood) something we’ve been lucky enough to avoid so far - I also use smite preventatively & liberally throw d.e. everywhere, - it’s something I take seriously & dread!
It sounds as though you are focussing on the coop - which I totally understand- is it possible / probable that the birds are carrying the mites back in on them after you clean every time? Is there something they could be thoroughly bathed in? My chickens love being bathed & I’m always amazed how good those feathers are for waterproofing ect, these must be an excellent way to hide for the mites, as well as in the nooks & crannies of the coop - Rather than spritzing the smite onto the hens would bathing them be more effective?

I always believed Red mites were a type of arachnid...Does ivermectin actually work on them?

It sounds like you are cleaning really thoroughly - I’m just wondering what else could be infected that’s continuing to reinfect your coop? What do you use as bedding, could they be living where the bedding is stored?

I really hope you find a solution!
We purchased an Omlet when we moved. We were always dealing with mites in our large, wood coop. When we moved, I dusted all the girls and disinfected the Omlet. So far, I have had zero issues. I love our coop so very much. We spray the inside with a homemade orange cleaner once a week and use pine shavings in the nest box, along with some nesting box herbs. I dust the girls in the spring and fall and sometimes will sprinkle some dust and DE in the nesting box, just to be safe. Fingers crossed, no issues yet!

I was lucky. Someone a few hours away from me was selling their nearly-new tractor Cube and runs for $400! It was a steal! I will never go back to a wood coop! :)

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