Eight day old chick blind?

Storybook Farm

Jun 5, 2015
Sugar Grove, WV
My Coop
My Coop
I have a Deathlayer chick that I brought home last Wednesday that seems to be blind???

It is weak, and not coming out to eat with the other 4. When I put it in the brooder, it bumped into walls and seemed very disoriented. When it got back among its fellows, it rubbed on them, but did not peck the food at its feet that everyone else was pecking.

It is peeping, and will drink water from an eye dropper. I gave it Nutridrench solution. What can I give it to strengthen it while I figure out if it’s really blind or not? Can i mash up some chick food and force feed it?
That's so sad! Since you aren't sure it's blind, maybe just keep feeding it separately but leave it with the flock so it's not isolated. I would definitely try to make feed appealing, but don't force feed, that would be bad. You can try a little scrambled egg (I know), mush the feed up with that and see what happens. It'll have to be small, and you'll probably have to guide it's little beak to the food. Pick the little guy up if it doesn't scream it's head off and try feeding it in your hand, or on the floor, not where the others can hassle it or eat it's food.
Good luck, and please keep us posted on how it goes.
Giving it Nutri-Drench a few times a day is probably the best thing you can do.
I would not force anything into its beak though.
Okay; that’s what I’m doing. I’m also mixing a TINY bit of mashed up chick feed into the eye dropper and feeding. Not force feeding, just keep putting it on his beak while he peeps. He’s getting a tiny amount... I guess I think he’s not blind; just not thriving.

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