Elbow sticking out of skin


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 28, 2011
A few weeks ago I kept half of my old flock in a new run with some of my new pullets and 2 turkey hens. Things went fine. Even when I let the entire old flock out, everyone seemed fine. Then after a few weeks I tried letting the turkeys have access to the coop. I expected a pecking order, but the next morning one of the turkey hens had a bloody elbow. Its almost a week and I looked her over and the skin has recessed about 1/2 inch on both sides. It seems worse than when I looked earlier in the week.

Here are a few pictures, not the best.

Not sure if its getting worse because of a flesh eating bacteria or not. Thought about putting something like neosporen on it and wrapping it but unsure if that would work. Other option is to go ahead and cull, thought I'd ask for suggestions.

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