Electric fence and garden mesh


Jun 23, 2018
Hi everyone,

This year I got the bright idea of running some plastic garden mesh under my electric fence to save on trimming under the fence. The electric fence is intended to keep the raccoons out of my sweet corn.

However, I am wondering whether the plastic mesh material will insulate the critters from the ground. If a critter touches the electric fence while on the garden mesh will they still get shocked?

I don't know the answer to this...but I would like to follow because I am curious. I use electric fence and I use black plastic mulch in my garden, but I weedeat the perimeter. Never thought of extending it under the fence to keep from weedeating...so if it works I would like to use if for that as well. I will be watching this...
I don't know but why don't you stand bare footed on the plastic mesh then grab the hot wire to see ? ? ? Don't forget to post a video. :celebrate :eek: :clap

I will say that the electric potential will be less so depending on the amount of ground moisture etc. that may very well negate some or any of the benefit of an electric fence.

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