electric fence on top of chainlink


8 Years
Jul 8, 2014
Lebanon, Mo
I am having a raccoon issue. A raccoon is climbing my chain link fence and making off with ducks. 3 have been taken already. I am planning on putting a hotwire on top the fence to prevent the coon from climbing over. The insulators I find to attach to chain link fence put the wire 4 inches from the fence, can a coon get through that without being zapped? I wish I could just shoot the thing but I live in town. Help?
Electric should work; I'd run wires or tape lower around the pen if you can. It might also be illegal where you live, so check first. Lock your birds in a safe coop every night! Can you set live traps and have Animal Control dispose of them for you? We can trap and shoot here, and it's much simplier. Lock your birds up at night! Mary
If you are going to attach to the top of the fence, you should properly ground the chain link for maximum effect. You can get 6' galvanized ground rods from home depot or tractor supply. Minimum two but three is better. These should be required for your fence energizer anyhow. Attach a wire from the ground rod setup to the chain link.
Is this a pen or a shared property line fence?
I would agree with putting it lower, as long as it is not a property line dividing fence and would be on the neighbors side.

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