Electric Fence?!?


6 Years
Dec 3, 2013
I wanted to know if an Electric fence would be a good idea to keep Coons out of a coop. I want to be over protective about coons.

I was going to buy a Electric fence and string it over the bottom and top of the run and coop.
Anyone ever done that?
I used to use electric fence on a large-scale commercial farm I worked at years back. An electric fence can be a great idea; they will keep out racoons, opossums, skunks and other small creatures, depending on where you live.

The key will be placing the fence at the proper height. Placing the string close to the ground won't be very effective, because predators will be able to reach over it. I would recommend placing it 18-24" from the ground. If you really wanted to do two wires, you could, but I think it would be overkill. You will just want to make sure that predators aren't able to dig underneath either.
Spacing above works very well. You would understand why when seeing how a predator otherwise tries to force its way in to get at a bird. It will be getting its own body parts all over the hotwire receiving zaps making effort very unpleasant. I like the overkill with lower wire that denies digging option.
I have two strands of hot wire going around my coops and runs.we than attached wire at the bottom and buried it.and for extra security I place cement pavers all around the run.my runs are covered so don't have to worry about the top.i have touched that hot wire several times and it has a pretty good jolt.
Alright. My coop is very close to my deck, so coons can climb from the deck to the coop very easily. Everything is very tight and i know for a fact that they can't get in (some of my brothers need instructions). I think i am going to do the fence, mainly because we have so many coons in the neighborhood, and they live all around my home.
Show a picture of access point for raccoons. Also make every effort to deny them catching the first bird. Where do the birds and even feeders sit relative to pen perimeter at night?
My Coop has an out door and indoor run. The indoor one has the feed and water in it. All closed before dark. Also i have motion activated security camera's pointing at the coop

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