Electric poulty netting for big goslings-not so much


9 Years
Jul 3, 2010
Electric poulty netting for big 2 month old goslings-not so much. Tried it last night and this morning they were all busted loose. I think in the dark, they got startled and like a stampede of bulls bulled there way right through it. Thinking it may be okay to contain them during the day but maybe does not make them feel secure enough at night. They don't seem to have gotten much sleep-they were all sleeping in the grass today. emotionally traumatized.
We use electric poultry netting, 4 ft high, for our geese, and they've never had a problem staying inside it. They avoid it when they are in their flapping, lets run like crazy fits too . . . They nibbled it when I first let them out, and got shocked and that was it. Now they are very respectful. We do have the heavier, 2 pronged stakes though, and that may help make it sturdier . . . I suppose if they all hit it at once, it might fold down, but I think it would act more like a net and wouldn't fold.

I'm sorry yours got out -- poor geese. I can see why they'd be upset.
I am going to keep trying-I think they "got to runnin'" enmasse and the sheer weight of the six of them just folded it down. They ran over it. Stakes stayed in place. They did hit it where it had previously been open so may not have realized it was even there in the dark. Will try it again during the DAY till they get used to it. Although we do have predators and wonder if they may be ultimately be better off in their stall at night with solid walls for safety and security. But it would not KILL them to stay in during the day with their food and pool when we are not around in case a day time predator strolls by....they do love to rampage and flap.
That may be it -- when I first put our geese out in the fence, I made a pocket and closed off the open end with some spare puppy fences. So there wasn't enough room for the geese to really get up enough speed to knock the fence over. Plus, we found a pair of year old geese that adopted our mail order goslings and that probably helps them stay calmer at night as well. If we had a building though, I would totally put them in when we were going to be gone . . . but they are in the orchard which is far from our barn. We're making them a winter house but until then they are doing well under the orchard trees at night.

I think if you put them out in the morning for a few days and shooed them in at night that eventually they'd get used to it . . .

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