electrified chicken run


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 24, 2013
Denton Texas
I have my chickens set up in a renovated dog kennel that the previous owner left. I just wrapped the top with chicken wire. It's a good sized pen about 6' x 6'. As for predators we have possums but not much else. The biggest problem is my own two dogs. I have a 150 pound irish wolfhound and a 12 pound mutt. Both of them are very determined to get in. Since the entire kennel is metal I was thinking it would be easy to electrify the whole thing. I was just wondering if anyone has done this before and what they used. What voltage should I be shooting for? Would there be any I'll effects to my birds if they touch it?

I just put my chicks out a few days ago and ran electric wire on step in posts and those little plastic thingys you nail into wood about 4 inches away from their fence up to about 3 feet high. So my chicks can't touch it, but if anything comes snooping around they have to get through that first. I wired it into our horse fence out there, I'm not sure off hand the voltage of our charger.
I'm pretty sure you can't directly electrify a chain link fence, as it will short-out. It will be easier and safer to add a hot-wire to the top and/or bottom. This will effectively give you a double barrier: the physical fence, plus the electric wire.
google "electric poultry net" or search the sponsors of this web site.
it comes in 164 foot lengths and looks like it is easy to install. you might find shorter lengths. I have it on my wish list. just can't figure out how to keep the red-tailed hawk out

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