

In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2022
I have a chick who walked normally for the first 5 days of its life; but on day 6 one leg and foot got all clenched and claw-like. Ive been giving it Sav a Chick electrolytes for three days now, but I'm not seeing much improvement. It's eating and drinking well but it drags itself around on its belly. How long should i let it go on like this?
It's probably CTP; curly toe paralysis and is treatable. It's a Riboflavin deficiency; get some Nurti Drench, Rooster Booster Poultry Cell and/or children's Poly Visol withouth the iron. I mixed boiled egg yolk with is chick feed & Poly Visol, separated from the rest as it may get trampled. Make 'sandals" out of Vet Tape; sandwich the feet/toes flat between them. Make sure the brooder has skid proof flooring (shelf liners work) and I did therapy; encouraging it to walk properly.


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