~*~ElementHerd - Horse RP~*~ Open!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He smiled at her gently, "I was born to a rouge mare and stallion. My father was abusive, and he killed my mother. I ran soon after, and found this herd. The Lead Stallion and mare raised me, but I didn't become the leader. That was by choice. Their son, Canicus, became leader instead. I always supported him, and now I support Canicus' son in the leadership."

"Oh." Kat felt a connection with this stallion. No more than that. even after such a breif knowledge of him, she loved him. Suddenly she heard a "Mommmma Aphrodite won't let me tell Yuki something."

"I've gotta go." Kat said before she kissed the stallions check. Now she had embaressed herself. she trotted to her children.
"Let Yuki go hear the news about Uncle Lux. He is your Uncle you know.something bad happened to him."Kat couldn't tell such young ears what really happened. To Yuki she said "Thank you, now go find out what is going , for all of us." Kat was very gratefuk to Yuki.
"Oh." Kat felt a connection with this stallion. No more than that. even after such a breif knowledge of him, she loved him. Suddenly she heard a "Mommmma Aphrodite won't let me tell Yuki something."

"I've gotta go." Kat said before she kissed the stallions check. Now she had embaressed herself. she trotted to her children.
He smiled as she left. He felt a strange feeling. He hadn't felt it since before his fiance had been killed...he realized that he loved Kat.
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"Let Yuki go hear the news about Uncle Lux. He is your Uncle you know.something bad happened to him."Kat couldn't tell such young ears what really happened. To Yuki she said "Thank you, now go find out what is going , for all of us." Kat was very gratefuk to Yuki.

Yuki nodded and trotted away, going to where Kai had appeared in the shadows.
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Lux was being dragged through some dark woods he had never seen before. A strange creature had it's jaws firmly around his neck. Slipping in and out of consiousness had become the norm over the last 5 hours. He let out another scream. He thought he could hear the others close by. He slipped out of it again.When he next awoke he had a brief thought. "Maybe the will see the trail of blood." he doubted it but it was hope.

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