Embarking on ambitious eggsperiment

Well, from what I can gather, it seems my mother-in-law took two of the eggs but it was an innocent mistake as she had no idea they were hatching eggs. As I have no mature rooster in the flock, she simply assumed they were there for eating, but because this has caused much embarrassment, I cannot get any info out of anyone as to whether or not the two eggs had any signs of development

As far as the other four eggs are concerned..........that's them at day 14 now so only one week to go before all is revealed. When I first set the eggs under my broody, I really wasn't holding my breath, but now I am so hoping for at least one egg to hatch. Of course if none hatch, I will have to get some more because I really want some Light Sussex, and if all four hatch, then I'll also have to get some more

BTW, I now have two broodies in the same nest, although the one doesn't even have any eggs to sit on. She's not causing any problems so I don't mind her being in there, and also, she's made sure my sexually confused cockerel has moved got the message to stay out of the nesting box.

As for the rest of the flock.......they have all been set out to free range during the day now. It's there fourth day out and I can't believe how feed I've saved. Also, the birds seem to be a whole lot happier, and especially the two ducks.

One question.......I leave the coop open during the day, so if one of my other hens decide to lay an egg, will they go into the coop to do the deed, or will they simply drop it somewhere in the yard. It would be nice if they would use the coop, but if not, then at least I keep my two little kids amused as they can then go egg hunting

So.....one week to go with those four Light Sussex eggs
Oh dear, that's terrible about the two eggs. I'm glad to hear you don't have the rooster getting into the nest anymore, though.

I broke down and candled mine the other day because I thought the nest smelled funny. With my newbie candling skills, I could only tell that two were developing...and the the most developed one, which was clearly almost full of chick, was the stinkiest one. I have decided to write the smell off to residue from the ones that were cracked before. Even though I cleaned up the mess and wiped the eggs down, no doubt there was some left. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway.

I put all the eggs back in, just in case. So I hope there will be no nasty egg explosion in the nest!
Too bad losing two of those precious eggs. I always have to take a permanent marker and draw a line around each hatching egg, so I can tell which eggs are being donated to her each day.
If only everything depended on eggs being well packaged, because the seller really did go all the way with her packaging. In fact, even if the package had fallen out of the plane, I doubt there would have been a broken egg. I suppose if does count when you put in a good effort because I wouldn't hesitate to buy eggs from the same seller again, and she also came across as being a lovely person. So, if there are any BYC members in the UK looking to buy eggs on Ebay, just let me know if you need the seller's username.

6 days and counting

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