EMBARRASSING - yet You will find this funny

i really thought the story was going this way.....

And they saw your husband in the shower!!!

eitherway, thanks for the giggle!
I guess I'm demented, but I was reading the story, and picturing it as it happened, and when you said he jumped out screaming with the mask I still had the image of him in the shower.... so I'm imagining him NAKED with a skeleton mask screaming in the yard in front of company~

That EXACTLY what I thought!

Thank goodness my DH is not one for pranks - I have a knee jerk reaction to being startled and usually someone gets hurt, not me. He knows I have been mugged, or someone has attempted to mug me, 4 times. Startling me is NOT a good idea, I just react without thinking these days.

But I LOVE reading about other couples who have fun!
In this case, revenge will be sweet and I can't wait to hear about it!

I'm not saying, I'm just saying...

Oh gosh, this link was funny.....

as far as Dh in the shower goes, he often times locks the door, but I can pick the lock
I once got back at him for something he did, can't remember what it was, but anyhow I was mad enough ti rip open a down filled pillow and dump it on him just as he shut the water off int he shower.

before you ask why the shower is my preferred choice is because he can't run as fast with wet feet and I know I will have time to run into a room and lock the door while I laugh my butt off...lol.....

another time we were fishing with his buds and the kids and he was making fun of me because my line kept getting stuck, I thought it would be funny to run past him screaming that there was a giant marsupial (sp) coming straight for us, he ran like a little girl towards the car while we all laughed our butts off. As to this day he gets picked on about the marsupial :-D
I'm all for doing something like that WITHOUT the bb's. My luck someone would crack their head open & die...but I digress--do that & have everyone run out of the house in a panic & have someone with video--tape the revenge & you can enjoy it FOR EVER!!!!

I'm not saying, I'm just saying...

Oh gosh, this link was funny.....

Indelible dye... blue as the sky... oh yeah... course you need a pool or hot tub to really make that one work but still...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the stitching the fly shut idea... mwahahha... that's bloody brilliant.

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