emergency duck egg rescue incubation

So glad he's doin well.. Our 2 are still doin ok... veins are resending slowly.. and are tweeting at us when we look at them and talk to them.. their shell is as far as we can take as is their membrane. .. as time goes by.. will it deattatch itself from the shell... their having a wiggle about but 1 seems to have its head orquardly under its wing and is making a rattly wet noise as it breathes... like a clicking.. anyone know if this is normal.. whereas the other one's head is above its wing and is breathing normally... their so precious
Not sure about the breathing thing :( but I'm glad they are both still alive and well and you can monitor them, I never would have been brave enough to help a duck hatch a few years back when I had my first couple duck hatches but I'm so thankful for this site and these forums I have learned so much! I had the confidence to help this guy out, and he seems to be improving every minute :) I hope yours do the same betty
Well it broke off but he is bleeding a little and his belly button is red and swollen and seems to be where its coming from so I believe what I read to do at this point is put them in a cup? I stuck a dry paper towel in the bottom of the cup to hopefully help it dry and clot, please tell me this sounds rich? And if not what I should!d be doing? He is peeping lots now too!

I'm sorry I dont really have any advice on that one, you may have to search other threads or maybe someone else will answer. I did have one that its cord was still attached, and another one stepped on it in the bator and pulled it off. He had a little pencil-eraser sized piece hanging there for about a week. I put Neosporin (without the pain stuff!) on it a couple times, but it dried up on its own and fell off in about a week. Actually probably 5 days.
Well everything has stopped bleeding by my poor lone duck is 3 days before anyone else is due to hatch and he seems lonely and won't eat or drink... I'm really scared of losing him now he's come so far, any suggestions on helping him to eat and drink?
Well everything has stopped bleeding by my poor lone duck is 3 days before anyone else is due to hatch and he seems lonely and won't eat or drink... I'm really scared of losing him now he's come so far, any suggestions on helping him to eat and drink?

Try dipping his bill into the water so he knows it's there. Mine started drinking right away once I showed them.
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He'll take a sip if I dip his bill in by only one, he just lays down next to it after and takes a nap, I'm worried he's losing strength, yesterday he was banging all over the incubator... Now in the brroder all he wants to do is sleep, I'm really scared I'm gonna lose him and it was a journey getting him thus far :(
Hopes he's ok and does well... mine seem ok... One seems stronger than the other.. 1 attached to its shell by a thread.. weaker 1 still firmly attached.. both lookin matted.. not what I imagined.. they don't seem to be fluffing up and their not completly covered in feathers either... nor wanting to get up.. ive also noticed the weaker one has a kind of blister on its leg.. anyone know what this is or could be... and when can they come out of incubator and im also concerned as they've been breathing outside of shell since yesterday am.. how long can they go without water and food
I believe its up to 72 hours they can survive eithout after hatch, I hope mine makes it and yours also... I'm keeping my fingers crossed and quacking a prayer for all of them :)
Well I will just be praying for yours from now on... Mine passed away in my hands a few minutes ago... The temp on one side of the brooder spiked high last night and I got up at 5 and made adjustments but I fear that's what did it. Yesterday he was walking and pecking at stuff and today he wouldn't even stand :( I pray yours make it and thrive to their full potentials! Please keep me posted Betty :)

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