YIKES! Is that what's happening???

I put food out all day in a pan with a water dish beside it and they come and go nibbling all day and then they get a little corn before bed.

Ummm..... am I not supposed to keep feed out for them at 7 weeks? It's 14% maintenance mixed with some starter 20%. I can't find anything else for geese/ducks around here and it's Mazuri.

Should I only feed them in the morning and evening? They graze but grass in Texas during a drought isn't the best - St.Augustine mostly and there's a good patch they can graze on..... around the pond an all...
They're still growing at seven weeks, so just leave the feed out for them.

Goslings are much more prone to dying from starvation or malnutrition than they are to overeating - I've actually never heard of the latter. Their digestion system works so fast that they need the extra energy from the feed - they don't absorb all the energy in the feed and grass they eat.

The spit-up is not dangerous at all - all babies do it!
The one I posted about seemed fine today.... I noticed another drooling.... is it just too HOT? Is it the heat or do they just fill their guts too full of water and dont' know when to quit? Is it the pond?

It's hot out tonight and they are all sitting in their coop around the waterer I have in there - it is a 3gal waterer and has a deep trough and they keep putting their bills in it .. .rinsing and then swishing and sometimes drinking..... what is that all about!?

I can't get them away from it until about 3am when it cools off --- I have a fan blowing in there to stir the air. TEXAS is FRIED right now!
It is the heat. Geese do have a hard time keeping cool when its really hot and they do drool out or even kind of throw up clear water during bad heat waves at my house. Mine gather around the water buckets more when its really hot and dunk their heads etc... Just make sure they have plenty of fresh water throughout the day and shade and they'll be fine.

We have 4" cracks in the GROUND and the geese can't get cool even in the pond cause the sun is like a MICROWAVE!!!

I change baby pools and water buckets 4-5 times a day to keep them clean and cool.... it's pathetic.... I am burnt to a crisp and need a BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!

We need prayer........ pray that the Houston South area or all of TEXAS gets RAIN RAIN RAIN -- not a flood or hurricane just some days of clouds for cripes sakes and drizzle rain so we can get a break!!

All the wildlife and animals are suffering .... this is sooooooo bad.... I am sooooo sick of it and mad!!!
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Lol we up here in NW La. are n the sme boat.
It's so dry here a dust storm starts if a nat farts
Lol we up here in NW La. are n the sme boat.
It's so dry here a dust storm starts if a nat farts

X3 in SE LA also. I have 6 waterers out in places that have shade so they stay somewhat cool. I have fans out. Two baby pools in the shade. Still, my birds are overheated.

BTW , birds CAN get drunk. Where my husband was working a few years ago, they had berry bushes. The birds would come in to roost for the night and eat the berries when they were starting to rot. The next morning, they'd all take off to fly and promptly run into the building and die. The 2nd time this happened, he business owner called LSU to check it out. They said the berries were making the birds drunk.
I've kept the figs off the ground mostly and only give them ones off the tree or that they can pick --- FIGS can make you drunk I'm sure - they're so sweet!
Animals can get drunk off fermenting fruit.

Here is a clip from an older documentary, called Animals are Beautiful People.

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