EMERGENCY! My new chick is very sick!


Free Ranging
7 Years
Apr 19, 2017
Colorado Springs
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum but have been lurking for a long time. This week I hatched some black Australorps. I had 2 out of 16 hatch, and then saw a pip on the wrong end. After 24 hours and multiple re-readings of Sally sunshine's assistance article, I went in. Sure enough, it was ready to hatch but couldn't due to it's angle. I zipped for it and it pushed out. But now we are having so many problems!It couldn't walk. It kept on trying to and falling on it's back and frantically trying to get up. I made a therapy swing out of a sock for it so it could strengthen its legs. It was doing so much better yesterday, but sometime last night the sock fell onto the water, wicking water towards the chick. When I found it, she was lying down with her eyes closed, barely moving when I picked her up. Right now I'm warming her up with my body heat. She is breathing, but is not moving. Her neck is bent way to the side. it wasn't like that yesterday. Please help!
I'm sorry for your loss:hugs

Sometimes even with our best efforts, little ones can have an unseen condition that they are not able to overcome.

I do welcome you to BYC, even though it was under these circumstances. Please make yourself comfortable, join in, make some new friends, learn and share.
Thank you. One of the other chicks isn't doing to well. It keeps on falling on it's back. It isn't as bad as the other one was, but it is still worrisome. It seems to not have a lot of strength in the neck either. It is eating and drinking tough.
Thank you. One of the other chicks isn't doing to well. It keeps on falling on it's back. It isn't as bad as the other one was, but it is still worrisome. It seems to not have a lot of strength in the neck either. It is eating and drinking tough.

Offer your little one some poultry vitamins that contains Vitamin E. Give some chopped egg or tuna for selenium. Falling on the back could be neurological, genetic or possibly vitamin deficiency. Hopefully vitamins will help.

Keep us posted.
The chick is still alive and is not falling on its back as frequently. However, I have not observed it eating or drinking. I have offered mashes scrambled egg with food. Earlier I went to pick up a chocolate orp as a surprise gift for my mom, and the person selling it gave me some different medications for it. Two are to put in the water and one is liquid b12. I put the recommended amount in the water and carefully used a veterinary syringe to feed 1 ml of b12. I also bought some vitamin E softgels, but am not sure how to dose it. How much should I give?
Poultry vitamins in a tonic such as Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell 1 ml orally every day have multivitamins, including E, thiamine, and the mineral selenium. Those are good for wry neck and neurological problems. Using a chick chair or padded cup to sit upright might help. Some links recommend 400 IU once or twice a day, from the link Crookneck Chicken Treatment by Brown EggBlue Egg.
Hi, I assisted one of my chicks in hatching last night and now i'm almost certain he is looking like he has a crooked neck... start of wry perhaps? Anyway, as above i wanted to know the dosage for the vitamin E. Also, sorry for your loss @Rubysword..
Chick is not doing well. She is lying on the ground sleeping all the time and her lungs are making sounds I can only describe as crackling. I'm really worried.

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