
Mar 11, 2020
Northern Ireland
Fox attack got my pekin petal she is still alive thankfully but they’re is a really deep gash around her vent idk what to do her vent is really messed up. It’s 04:41am where I live right now so when the vets open should I take her because I’m freaking out I’m really scared for her
Is that her vent - above or below? Hard to tell the location of the wounds.

What do you have on hand to clean wounds with? Anything like Betadine (Povidone Iodine), Chlorhexidine? If not, then I would use a mild antibacterial soap and make a soapy solution to rinse/flush the wounds, then rinse well with clear water.

What do you have as far as ointment - triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin) or something like Polysporin or Bacitracin? Vetericyn? Any of those would be good to apply to the wound after initial cleaning to help keep the wound moist.

Trim any feathers that are in the way so the wound stays cleaner and you can see it well.

Keep her relatively warm. I would also see if she's alert enough to drink some fluids. If you have them, electrolytes would be good. You can give her a little warmed sugar water, then make plain water available.
I'm so sorry about your hen! We had a hen get out and get attacked by a dog once, she had a similar looking injury, just a little closer to her thigh. We cleaned it, did hydrotherapy (ran cold water over it for 15-20 min.), then applied Neosporin (don't get the kind with pain relievers) everyday for I think it was two weeks. She had a limp the rest of her short life, but other than that recovered fine. Fine enough to fly the coop a couple months later and get nabbed by some other critter. Yeah, she was a real smart one. :hmm
I'm so sorry about your hen! We had a hen get out and get attacked by a dog once, she had a similar looking injury, just a little closer to her thigh. We cleaned it, did hydrotherapy (ran cold water over it for 15-20 min.), then applied Neosporin (don't get the kind with pain relievers) everyday for I think it was two weeks. She had a limp the rest of her short life, but other than that recovered fine. Fine enough to fly the coop a couple months later and get nabbed by some other critter. Yeah, she was a real smart one. :hmm
Sorry about your hen and when shops open today I will go and get some neosporin without the pain relief

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