EMERGENCY Please read, I think my duckling is dieing---Morning UPDATE


7 Years
Mar 18, 2012
Port Orchard, Wa
I just came home and my daughter started yelling. My 4 week old Khaki Campbell was laying flat on the ground and flipping over on her back. She has very little control over head and is very limp. She has a clear green fluid coming out of her hind end.I cannot feel anything broken or swollen. She has been fine all day and has been outside with supervision. I have her in a box with water and she is laying flat, breathing hard, eyes mostly closed, and she turns her head every so often but still doesn't seem to have control. I dont know what to do for her, I do not have a vet that will see ducks. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Any advice?
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Are any of your other birds showing signs of illness at all? It could be a virus or something neurological because it's young.
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I hate to be the barrier of bad news but it looks like a Neurological issue. I buried several ducklings with the same issue. They faded away quickly. If I were you I would spend as much time with her as I can while she is with you.
I have her next to me right now. Could it be botulism?

She's twisting her head around right now and trembling but doesn't seem aware of anything.

Should I be worried about the others?
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Did she have access to a pond or lake? Where all did she free range? Could she have been snake bitten?
Did she have access to a pond or lake? Where all did she free range? Could she have been snake bitten?

No pond or lake just water tubs changed often. No snakes.

In the early am the whole group starts out in the front yard. Mid-day we move to the side yard. Then we go inside around noon for naps and lunch (humans). Early afternoon back outside in backyard, late afternoon in side backyard. We basically do a circle around the house following the shade. We have been doing this same routine for the last week. They are never alone but it is possible she ate something we didn't see. It came on so suddenly. The others still look normal.
Do you have any wild berries or weeds growing that she could have accidentally eaten?
No to the berries and I dont think any of the weeds are toxic. They are standard garden weeds I guess.

She just had a large bowel movement. It was medium firm, dark green with white on top, had no smell, and looked like digested grass when I smooshed it apart. When I picked her up to change her towel she seemed startled and quacked really loud and struggled in a panic. She is now back to trembling and lolling her head around with her eyes closed. I cannot get her to drink any water.
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wildpeas, I don't remember what you are feeding them. If chick starter, are you including niacin supplements? If not, it could be niacin problems and she needs 100 to 150 milligrams of niacin per gallon of water.

See if she will drink from a cup of lukewarm water held up to her bill.

I am sad this is happening.

If it is toxins, then activated charcoal (you can buy capsules or grind up clean hardwood charcoal from the wood stove if you have one . . . not the briquettes those are toxic).

Or, some powdered food grade bentonite clay in water.

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